Lead Testing


Air Quality Canada Inc. is an environmental consulting firm with experienced professionals who perform Lead Assessments and other testing services. Whether your concerns are residential, commercial or industrial, we are here to help. Your Safety is our business.

What is Lead?

Lead otherwise known as Pb on the periodic table of the elements. Lead is a naturally occurring element found in rock and soil. Historically, it was widely used in an array of household products, the most prevalent being paint.
Lead was designed to make paints dry quickly, wear well and to make colours vibrant. The soft, gray metal makes for an excellent white pigment. Paint made with white lead pigment provides a high-quality, durable protective coating. The quantity and type of lead vary based upon different types of paint.

Who needs a Lead Assessment?

If your home was built prior to 1978, their is a significant chance a high concentration of lead is present in the paint. The closer 1950 and before, the higher concentration of lead. Lead within paint typically does not have a negative impact on your health unless it is agitated or disturbed. Often lead is disturbed prior to testing and abatement, this is a major problem because lead in the form of dust can become airborne and can then be inhaled. Inhalation similar to digestion of Lead, can be extremely hazardous to your health.

Available Lead Services

We have a standard “Lead Assessment” procedure, however every situation is unique. Therefore, we custom tailor every inspection to suit your needs. We will consult with you to determine the specifics of your situation.

Lead Services include:

  • Lead Investigations – Whether it be in paint, dust or water, we will determine the location & type of lead.
  • Air Monitoring – Constant monitoring to ensure lead dust is within acceptable limits.
  • Inspection During Remediation – Day to day overview of abatement process to ensure regulations, contractors are being maintained.
  • Laboratory Service – air sampling and bulk sampling analysis.
  • Detailed Reporting – We will provide recommendations on the Abatement/Remediation procedure & scope of work.
  • Tendering, Walkthroughs, Evaluation – We will make sure your potential Abatement contractor understands the scope of the situation and confirm their appropriate course of action.

What Are The Health Symptoms of Lead:

Health Canada has confirmed, there is NO safe levels of lead. That includes any inhalation or ingestion via water or dust.

As per most Environmentally induced infections and diseases. Children, pregnant women, elderly and immune compromised individuals have the greatest risk of developing negative health symptoms due to hazardous exposure. Children are specifically at risk with Lead due to their frequent hand-to-mouth activities.



Do You Do Your Own Laboratory Analysis?

We do not. In order to offer an ethical service our clients can trust, we work with a third-party, local A2LA accredited Laboratory. This allows the results to be defensible in court. It is strongly suggested that you work with a environmental consulting company who does not perform in- house lab work.